This post is about installing Exchange Server 2010 SP2 on a Windows Server 2012 R2
First we need to clone our Base VM like we did when we created our Domain Controller.
Right-click on Windows Server 2012 R2 click Manage - Clone.
Choose Version 1.0 and press Next.
Select Create a linked clone press Next.
Give your Exchange Server a name, Exch press Finish.
Cloning Virtual Machine. Close.
After cloning boot up the VM.
- Log in and create a password for the local administrator
- Change the Computer Name to: Exch
- Change the Network Adaptor to VMnet02
- Join the Computer to the domain: devlab.local
- Make a IP reservation on the DHCP server
- Restart the Server
Installing Exchange 2010 SP2 prerequisite
Before we begin install Exchange we need to ensure all the prerequisites are installed on the server. We will be installing them with PowerShell.
Run as Administrator and type the following:
We are doing this the easy way wtih powershell. Run a powershell windows with administrator right.
Execute this long command:
mport-Module Servermanager
Download Microsoft Office 2010 Filter Packs and install it on the server.
Installing Exchange 2010 SP2
Now we are ready to install the Exchange Server
You can download Microsoft Exchange 2010 SP2 from
Click on Step 3: Choose Exchange language option
Click on Install only languages from DVD
Select Custom Exchange Server Installation
For the purpose of this howto I am installing three roles, Mailbox, Client Access And Hub Transport
In the next step type in a name for your Exchange organization.
Next is Client Settings - since we don't have any clien computers running Outlook 2003, we just click No. Click Next.
Configure Client Access server external domain
We don't have external access to the server så vi just click Next.
Click Install to begin the Installations.
The system will then conduct a readiness checks. Once it done you can go ahead and press Install.
This is going to take a few minutes, so you might want to grab a fresh cup of coffee while the installation is underway.
When everything's done, click Finish.
The is a bug running the Exchange Management Console on a Windows 2012 R2.
The organization tree does not apear.
A workaround for that is:
1. Open MMC from run
2. Add the snap-in for Exchange Server 2010.3. Save the console as “admin.msc” at c:\
4. Make a .bat file.
5. Add the following to the .bat file:
set COMPLUS_Version=v2.0.50727
That's it :D
- Building a VMware Workstation Homelab - Part 01: Introduction
- Building a VMware Workstation Homelab - Part 02: VMware Workstation 11
- Building a VMware Workstation Homelab - Part 03: Base Template
- Building a VMware Workstation Homelab - Part 04: Prepare the Template for Clones
- Building a VMware Workstation Homelab - Part 05: Domain Controller
- Building a VMware Workstation Homelab - Part 06: Gateway to the Internet
- Building a VMware Workstation Homelab - Part 07: Mail Server - Exchange 2010 SP2 on Windows 2012 R2